The bfs System:
A Synthesis of Technology and Design
Battery service and care can be a complicated and time-consuming process that is not without its dangers.An automatic battery watering system is the best alternative – for several reasons. It is
- Efficient – You don’t need to remove caps by hand and water cells manually.
- Precise – Electrolyte is reliably kept at exactly the same level.
- Safe – No risk of injuring yourself with battery acid.
- Time-saving – The time required to water a battery is reduced significantly.
- Cost-saving – Saving time means saving money.
The Functioning of the bfs System
The video shows the design and functionality of the bfs battery watering system.
The bfs Plug

The plug is at the heart of the bfs system. Many different versions are available, and by offering our customers the greatest selection on the market, we make sure that a perfect system is available for any battery type, in any application.
This is how the bfs plug works: Water that flows through the bfs plug into the cell raises the electrolyte level and brings up the float. Acting on a set of levers, the float and float spindle control the shut-off valve. In this way, the lever shuts off the valve with 2.5 times the buoyant force – our patented solution. The water flow is reliably interrupted. With the electrolyte level going down, the valve opens automatically. Whenever the system is reconnected and the watering process reinitiated, electrolyte rises to the required level. A water trap integrated in the plug prevents intercell flashovers. The functionality of this device has been tested successfully and certified by the University of Malta.
The bfs plug is available for all common cell vents. While the push-in plug is in one piece, the bayonet and threaded plugs consist of a basic plug combined with an adaptor – another one of bfs’s patented designs. A variety of different clip-in floats is available to adjust the electrolyte in the cells to the required level. With this technology, bfs is able to provide watering systems in nearly all areas of application.
A white level indicator in the plug allows the electrolyte level for each cell to be monitored. When you open the plug lid, you see the inspection opening, which makes it easy to measure acid density using a hydrometer.